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Showing posts from April, 2019

Evolution of Humanity

The evolution of humanity is not the evolution of the species of man but the inside of man that is important in 2019. We will examine the definition of humanity no. 2:  humaneness; benevolence. I wanted to write about humanity no. 2 from the dictionary because I have experienced an outpouring of love since Feb 2018 when my Mom went into the hospital, she passed away and the love people share with me after. "One should never direct people towards happiness because happiness too is an idol of the market-place. One should direct them towards mutual affection. A beast gnawing at its prey can be happy too, but only human beings can feel affection for each other, and this is the highest achievement they can aspire to." ~  ALEKSANDR SOLZHENITSYN Am I happy? I would like to say that I am unsure as of 12:30 am. Do I love myself? I would like to think I do. I look back at Facebook memories and see the outpouring of love from my community that has taken me in and put me in the fol

A letter to my support group!

There have been and will be days I find that I have been defeated but I believe there is a reason for everything. I've been praying for things and giving thanks to God. I don't want to go under because I believe God is enough. That's a hard truth to swallow. The truth, that if you believe in a higher power, that God is going to pull through for you. My mental illness doesn't define me. Does it make life difficult, yes but I'll push through like I have in the past. Some of this still is hard for me. I've been kicked so many times that I have given up and tried to end it. So if you want to give up just know that it's got nothing to do with being selfish but get help. Reach out to someone. There is a purpose for everything. Every philosophy on the earth says so but for me, God is enough. Why do I write this, because every day I struggle with living. I have an amazing girl that I want to be my girlfriend and my future wife. My family loves me and I have a j