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Showing posts from January, 2023

The Existenstial Ant

The dictionary defines existential as an  ADJECTIVE Relating to existence -  concerned with existence, especially human existence as viewed in the theories of exist entialism   LOGIC - (of a proposition) affirming or implying the existence of a thing. In 20219, I decided to go back to school/college to become a teacher. Out in the left field, a truck hits us with Covid, the worst thing to happen in my lifetime. As a whole, 9/11 and this are pretty terrible things. Back to me. I have been a worker ant, pretty much my entire adult life. I've taken on grunt jobs that don't pay much and when I take on something people don't understand that I don't fit in their box for me they get confuddled. This is where my existential problem comes into being.  Why am I here if I can't make my 2/6 year associate degree work for me. What's my calling? Is it to just be a barback and never make it to bartender or manager(side joke, I made it to a manager at a restaurant here in Charl