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Showing posts from 2014

A Christmas Charge!

I'm sure I have been on many lists this year...  I've joined many friends lists, left some friend's lists, gotten on some email lists, gotten off some of those when I found out they were email spam.  I'v gotten on Capital One's mailing list somehow, someone tell me how to get off of it with out getting a credit card through them. I'm sure I'm on someone's naughty list, although I would like to think I'm on the nice list.  I mean I did get one of my wishes, which was to be with family for Christmas! So on this the Eve of Christmas I charge you all to be eat, drink and be merry with those you love and who love you! ~Merry Christmas!

My Mother's Short Story!

Myra Harke ALL THE TOMORROWS He never walked, he never held his head erect for more than a few seconds without support.  He didn’t bring home A’s on his report card or play a game of Candy Land.  He never even hugged me or said I love you mom.  He lived in an entirely different world from the one I lived in.  But for thirteen years our worlds intertwined with one another. Jasper had a radiant smile and a deep from the belly laugh that filled the entire house.  He learned to operate a computer with switches and loved watching Sponge Bob and Veggie Tales.  We took him to the zoo, Disney World and swimming with dolphins. He was our adopted son, not of our own race but truly created in the image of God. I got the call from Donna, a social worker, on a bright, sunny morning in May of 1994.  It concerned an eight month old infant in the local hospital who needed to be discharged to foster care.  Would we take him into our home? I was told that he was born a healthy

Changing Jobs, Said No One Ever!

"For the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: 'If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?' And whenever the answer has been 'No' for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something." Steve Jobs When I look at what Steve Jobs accomplished in building a technological brand empire, he accomplished what few have attempted in the marketing world. It's a shame we have lost such a brilliant mind and soul. I look back at my case study I did of Apple's Creator, Steve Jobs and I admire the man. He brainwashed the world into believing, his brand was the best catchy commercials and flashy ads from what not. He changed marketing.  He changed it in that we don't send mailers to your house about an iPod Nano, no we see it in movies or cross promoted with Coca-Cola or Pepsi-Cola in the Superbowl ads.  I even bought into the magical hype about apple when I asked f

Mar Mar Don't Blink!

" I love life in spite of all that mars it. I love friendship, jokes and laughter. " ~Tahar Ben Jelloun Sometimes life seems to kill my laughter. With that being said what about life that kills my laughter? It's the stress of going to work and having to pay bills. That's just a cop out. Almost every adult in America and every 1st world country has a life they must sustain, being themselves or another life at some point in time. I love to laugh, I'll sit at work, as in tonight watching SnapChats of my friends kids doing crazy things and I'll just erupt in laughter and of course I offer and apology, as if anyone really cares. I love my friends who seem to lift my spirits when they are sinking into the abysmal depths that are self pity and doubt. Then there are friendships gone wrong, abuse from family members, oh some of the woes adolescence brings and love all that mar my love of life. I think, no I know that I make myself laugh the most. Who better t

Systematic of a Love for Life!

I came across this post looking at quotes about love... "I am not systematic at all when it comes to religion. I just love life. And I'm not judgmental. And I'm a vegetarian." ~ Erykah Badu I find this is a true statement for her but for a logical person it doesn't make sense, it's all in the wording... 1. Does being non judgmental have anything to do with being a vegetarian?? I find that there are many vegetarians whom judge the ones who eat meat everyday... but I was also on a dating site browsing and I came across a young lady who said that she doesn't eat meat but it's okay if the guy she dates does. I feel that this would be a hard truth to handle, I mean is it wrong on April Fools Day to spray her pillow with a bacon scented perfume? I feel meat is one of those deal breakers... 2. It's written in the Bible that Daniel while in Babylon didn't eat meat with the other Jews who were in captivity there. So there is nothing wrong wit

Mentally Okay Enough to Love Life

"Even when I'm sick and depressed, I love life." ~Arthur Rubinstein Great quote.   Why? Because it touches my very essence. I may not seem to love life at points but I'll never take my own life or intentionally take another life. Well there was this one time when there was fog on my back road near my house, I hit a raccoon. In his defense he might have had rabies. It can't be confirmed or denied... I didn't file a police report at the time. Okay well this speaks to me about mental illness which in our darkest hour of being sick and depressed, those who suffer from chronic depression, sometimes dream of death. Well this speaks volumes, love life. We all don't get to come back from the dead, we stare death in the face many times but once you're gone you are gone. Love life, love your life... Sometimes I feel like my life is the pits, as if I have reached the lowest low, feeling as if no one loves me, when in reality 1000's of peop