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A Generation Afraid to Fail

Not too long ago I had a conversation with my friend, Professor Robinson of CPCC, in light of the UNCC shooting on their campus. We talked about how students today are afraid to fail and can't handle negative grades or comments. I even get defensive about too harsh criticism but I've failed many times, before. I don't like being told things I already know like I'm in some grand delusion. 

Tangent concluded. We spoke on a student that came to him and said, I can't fail, well he was given an option to withdraw from the class and take a W. I've taken a W, it sets you back but keeps your GPA intact. I guess he was in such a hurry to get out he forgot to not party and study. Students are so sensitive now that we have to coddle their personalities because growing up they all got participation trophies from the gaming boards and parents accepted it as okay.

"Game theory is a theory of social interaction, which attempts to explain the interaction people have with one another. As the name of the theory suggests, game theory sees human interaction as just that: a game." 

I'm going to explore myself and younger generations based on Jenga. Jenga, you say? Did I stutter? I think there is great social interaction in the game of Jenga and it says a lot about friends and people who are playing. I see three types of people playing: 1st the calculating, competitive person, 2nd the hyped and excited antagonist and 3rd the quitter. Oh yeah don't be a quitter or a cheater, I'll call you out from the gaming desk or walking by. That's right I work at Queen Park Social and I will say, don't cheat let it fall when they put their hand on it to rebalance it. Lame! Why is it lame? It's lame because it's fun to see it fall. If your friends let you walk away from a Jenga tower, they suck in life too and must have been handed a trophy for fourth place as a kid. 

Erin, as I was telling her about this entry, said, "Hahahaha you are relentless!" I'm only slightly obsessed with this topic because it's irritating to know if I get to raise a kid he's gonna be around a bunch of kids that don't know what it means to fail but never quit. I was helped a lot in later on highschool and college. I actually had to drop out of a degree because of illness but I still graduated with a marketing degree. I actively sought out counselors and tutors so I wouldn't fail. As much as I struggled with ADHD, bipolar and trying to work while hiding mental illness from employers as I was in school.

Back to Jenga, I love the hyped and excited antagonist who I feel like I can relate too, they have tons of energy and might be the one to knock over the tower but you know what it's okay. They brought excitement to the game. The strategist is pretty cool and collected though. They are analysts, I can tell in the work world and would kick but in chess. 

 Even though Jenga is a social game it speaks volumes about society changing and how the younger generation is growing up. We either have placed too much emphasis on not failing or how it's okay to cheat the system as to not fail. It's always good to encourage kids to be competitive but also teach grace and sportsmanship. It will translate later in life to perseverance and a compassionate heart.

I'll leave you with this idea about Jenga and life,

"Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently."

Henry Ford

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