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PinWheels For Jasper

 You know, Jasper, they say we are sons of Syracuse. I love Charlotte, this is my home, buddy and I'm sure you would have loved it too if you got to grow up. The city has changed so much since you were little. There are more tall buildings with amazing lights that change colors, greenways that even your wheelchair could travel on, and lots more beautiful parks, that we could people watch together. After you passed away we lived in our house in Matthews for two more years then we moved to the North Charlotte area. You would have loved the new house. It had a deck but the downside is that you weren't there. You would have loved seeing Matty all grown up and running through the neighborhood. He was quick as lightning. He was always your dog even after you were gone. I hope you get to play with him up in heaven. He was so fluffy, he was perfect for you. I picture you two playing ball and cuddling up there.

It wasn't fair that you had your life cut short but I promised you that it wouldn't be in vain. We'll make a difference in this world eventually, just us two exceptional brothers. 

I love you, Jasper, did you know that I'm going to be a special education teacher. but they call the kids exceptional children now. I'm at UNCC and I'm about 2/3rds of the way done. I'm very excited to make a legacy for us. I'm proud to keep trying, when I get knocked down I think of how far I've come. I think about how you always wanted to be a normal kid and how you loved learning about science and how you could fool the teachers for a while. I think about your smile and it was the most devilish grin ever. You could steal all of the attention in a room just by laughing and your glow. I miss hearing you laughing at Sponge Bob, I'm not sure what you understood or even had a reference to go on but the laughs resonate in my heart. I miss you so much.

We are in a pandemic in this world, some bad men created a virus to kill people. I'm glad you and mom are not here to witness this or even have a chance to suffer through it. I had it and I got lucky that it was mild as some are not so lucky. The afterlife is constantly getting new residents.

I'm going to be the best Exceptional Children's teacher ever because of you. I believe that you are the greatest catalyst in my life that I've ever had. I'm gonna do great things for us. I know that in each child there is untapped potential to be so much greater than society always them the benefit of the doubt. I live it, I hide it, and it's painful to look normal and be different. I just want you to know that I'm filming our moment. It will help me immensely just like how I write about you.  Did you know that we have a charity organization and someday it will be a legit foundation helping kids and families. I just want to make you proud, my little bro. I love you and I'll see you again after this life is over. I have so much to offer and so much life to learn to love. You loved life even though you were locked in a body that didn't offer you the abilities I have but you still taught me. 

I love this discussion Jesus had with the audience and his disciples,

He called a little child to him and placed the child among them. And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
And whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me. If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.

~ Matthew 18:2-6

Jasper, my brother, I love you and we'll do wonderful amazing things and you'll always be with me, I promise.

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