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Showing posts from January, 2022

Family Collaboration Project for Transition Services

  Meeting the Fossdal’s   Description of the child and family I met with the Fossdal’s after I was given their information from the Youth Pastor from the church we attend in Matthews, North Carolina. They live outside of Charlotte in a middle-class neighborhood. They were super sweet and very gracious to let me interview them in person.  I was greeted by the dad, the boys, and Apollo (a kitten). Jason is an 8-year-old boy with downs syndrome. Jason likes dinosaurs, dancing, singing, and his classmates. He likes basketball and bowling for physical activities. They had two children later in life. They also have a four-year-old boy, Gabrielle, who has developmental disabilities. I initially started the interview speaking with Robyn and then she had to go be with the boys and put them to bed. I then spoke with Jon about the boys and what it’s like to have two children with disabilities. My interview lasted near 2 hours. A couple of the transitions we spoke about were life for Jason a

SPED - Critical Issues - Final Essays

  3100 Final Exam Joshua Harke How do you support students considering student mental health needs and the existence of bullying?                I would support my students by having classroom activities that don’t single out students with mental health needs or that are being bullied. I like my clinical educator’s questions when they were talking about bullying awareness week. How many of you have been bullied or know someone who has been bullied? I like that she showed videos from YouTube, in homeroom, on bullying and how to be an advocate for others. I would get my guides from the Pacer website for antibullying. I believe strongly that the best advocates for students being bullied are their peers. I want to nip any early signs of bullying in the butt because I don’t want my students to develop trauma and I want a healthy classroom vibe.                I would also want to talk about mental health separately. Maybe like my clinical educator did. They had a week devoted to it.

New Year 2022 - Charge!!

People will tell you that you can't do something amazing and you're not special. The human condition is amazing you beat out every other sperm. You overcame infant mortality. Some of you have been through hell and back. So don't ever believe that you're not special. I know a lot of special people who would be missed if they weren't here who have made more impact on my life than any celebrity.  You're one of a kind and if you're a twin you're even more special because you get to share a lifelong bond with someone that no one can take from you. You are an anomaly in everyway. We're not descendants of apes, we share similarities but you were designed to evolve, make critical choices and change the world around us.  People have told me that I'm no one, a user, I'm never gonna amount to anything and that I shouldn't fullfil my heart's desire to be a husband and Dad. People have abused me, tried to character assassinate me, stolen from me,

Reflections on My Mom 3 years Later

  As I wake up with tear-stained cheeks I am grateful that my Mom is in heaven. She's not suffering anymore, she's not enduring this pandemic, and she's surrounded by family. She struggled with her health through the years that I was growing up. I remember when she passed out in the kitchen and Reedy Creek Park. She developed diabetes from Pretisone and she had fibromyalgia. When she was in the hospital she had been misdiagnosed for an infection that ended spreading. it affected her mind as well. She was on and off the ventilator, and at one point she was making a turn for the better. She always asked Dad when can she go home but that was not the plan to be had. She became addicted to the pain meds in the hospital. The doctors were doing procedures behind my dad's back then the nurses would tell him. I visited when she had been placed into the hospital and she didn't look at all like my mom. I didn't even talk when I was in the room. I was in great shock but I w