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Reflections on My Mom 3 years Later

 As I wake up with tear-stained cheeks I am grateful that my Mom is in heaven. She's not suffering anymore, she's not enduring this pandemic, and she's surrounded by family. She struggled with her health through the years that I was growing up. I remember when she passed out in the kitchen and Reedy Creek Park. She developed diabetes from Pretisone and she had fibromyalgia. When she was in the hospital she had been misdiagnosed for an infection that ended spreading. it affected her mind as well. She was on and off the ventilator, and at one point she was making a turn for the better. She always asked Dad when can she go home but that was not the plan to be had. She became addicted to the pain meds in the hospital. The doctors were doing procedures behind my dad's back then the nurses would tell him. I visited when she had been placed into the hospital and she didn't look at all like my mom. I didn't even talk when I was in the room. I was in great shock but I wish I could have said I love you. I stopped praying that she'd get to go home with Dad from the hospital about a month before she passed away. I woke up gasping for air I didn't even need to call Dad to find out that mom passed away, I then cried myself back to sleep. Losing my Mom felt like my heart was breaking in my sleep. All of this is sad but it's in the past. My mom passed away on December 29, 2018.

Dad was with Mom every day until he signed the DNR the night she passed away. Dad is who I want to be when I get the fortune to be married because he was there for sickness and in health, and death til we part. I prayed for my mom every day and had other people praying for her, all around the world but God's plans were greater for her. I started praying a month or so before she passed away that God would bring her home because she's a Christian that believed in heaven for those who followed the resurrection, King. I am happy to know that she's not suffering anymore. I feel a void but I know everything will be okay. I'll see her again. We never forget the lives of those who passed away and people need to know that this isn't it. All of the pain and suffering going on in this world isn't it. This wasn't my Mom's life when she was suffering and it wasn't all her story. My Mom entered the gates of heaven, and into her savior's arms on December 29, 2018.
She has a legacy that she was a part of something bigger than herself. She was the administrator of Little Lamb Preschool in Syracuse, NY for many years. She never met a stranger, human or animal. She loved her kids and other people's kids too, she was aunt Myra to many children. She foster parented many at-risk youths and adopted two. She was the mightiest of prayer warriors ever to get on their knees. She sent cards out like nobody's business. I think she kept the card industry afloat for years. I have a stockpile of them from her. Near or far she touched lives around the world for years. She was more than just my Mom but she'd always have time for me. She'd always send me cards and 3 min voicemails; I'd always complain that she didn't need to tell me it over voicemail but it was very important I now know that it needed to be said or she'd forget. I'm like that now. I just send a billion thoughts in the text if I need you to know something and you don't respond, it's okay. Hahaha, she never had social media and she only owned a flip phone because she was technologically not there. Dad was Mom's Secretary. She was dad's social secretary. It worked out. She loved having people over or socializing at the clubhouse in their neighborhood. She was a mean cook and a delightful baker. For a few years, my dad would send up baked goods from Mom but would complain that it cost an arm and a leg to send them from Florida to me. It was worth it. I may not have been a normal kid but I was placed in the right family. I'm sad sometimes when I think about being a little kid, that I would pinch and hit my mom but she never stopped loving me and get me to calm down. She loved me and never failed to show her love towards me. If I didn't have my Mom as my mom I wouldn't be who I'd be today. She's a huge reason for being a teacher and I'll always appreciate her love of children and education.
It's been three years since she's passed away and it's not as painful but I find myself crying still. I'm grateful that she's at peace and enjoying the fruits of her life.

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