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Showing posts from March, 2017


Illusionist He took a quarter from behind your ear. Made a box disappear. Made water from a cage of pigeons. I got everything I wanted and more. I got to see everything. What was most amazing was the melodic menagerie. The harmony of the symphony. Climactic elements swinging through the air.   Elements melding, things disappearing in midair. I think that I will never see anything as amazing as I did that night. And then from that box that disappeared. Appeared a smaller box. Then he asked her to hold out her hand. Placed the box in her hand, covered it. Pulled the handkerchief away and on her finger was a ring. A ring that shined like the stars. Her eyes shimmered like the light off the ring. I got down on one knee and asked her to share my soul. The rest was pure magic. Almost like a fairytale. Never ending and never beginning. I watch Penn and Teller's magic show on the CW. Well if I had a magician friend this is

Find Me

Find Me See me. Love me. Hate me. See me. Love me. Hate me. Hide from me. Scale the highest mountains. Swim every ocean. Roam every forest. Walk every street. I looked everywhere. Every house. Every store. And you found me. Where I was not looking. You found me. It is amazing at the speed this happened. With compassion you picked me up. You helped me to find myself again. This poem is about finding love and how you can look, look and look but not find the right one for you and the moment when you might stop looking and cross paths with someone they find you. You could find that special someone anywhere and you don't know till you walk the earth and maybe revisit places you've been before with just and reopened perspective. So what this poem to me is a reaction of friends telling me that I'm looking or was looking to hard for love.

No Words

No Words There are no sounds today. Stirring awake as I take breaths of pure oxygen. I’ve lost my will to speak. I think I’m going crazy.   I look at you while falling from grace. Our hands slip as we fall away from each other. I still would rather not make a peep. No sounds, no fears. We are slipping away down a dismal hole. Tiny spikes will impale us. I think I should have warned you. But I let us fall and we were barely grazed. Landing on the hard cold ground. Feeling free of life’s iron grip, you lean over my body. You hold me and begin to open your mouth. I motion with my last bit of energy. I know, I know and cover your lips with my finger. Lying in your arms, I pass away. Covered in your tears, you close my eyes. I am free. I like this poem that I wrote because it's strong. Its message is that sometimes I want to be the hero even until death. I saved that other person's life in this poem. I was struggling f

The Lil' Pisser That Grew Two Stories

"I absolutely love how dumbed down society has become complaining about fairytales and comic book characters... The Brothers Grim wrote gruesome stories to scare children into doing good not feel all warm and fuzzy, that's the parents damn job... When I get a puppy I don't read him stories about Clifford the Big Red Dog to inspire him to grow up to be the size of a two story house. No I teach that stupid lil pisser that it's wrong to pee in the house then I give it chocolate after, so it knows it did a good job peeing on the pee pad on the patio... I'm just saying, I have some really great friends who are great parents, I hope... and I know some of you really do an amazing job. I'm just going to go out on a limb, because I don't work for them but... Disney messed this up for everyone..." I wrote this on Facebook... Because a friend's notification came to me after I got a little bit sassy from watching a comedy special... And boom! In the adv


Ice All along the winding road All along the cold hard ground Lies the man who was under assault. Eyes white as the snow, feeling No fear inside, feeling no more emotions. Loveless is the ice against his face. Loveless is the ice against his lifeless Body covered yet in ice. His icy heart beats and beats for life. Cast off the bonds of ice I say, cast off The chains of ice. He plants the hybrid ice flowers, flowers To honor his death and icy rebirth. With every season that the flowers Grow so does the firmness of the heart This poem was not my favorite of poems to be submitted to a poetry contest. I think it means to me that anything can be revived, rebuilt. Life especially in nature goes through cycles. In the long run the human soul it can go through cycles just as nature. There are periods of time when we hurt and rejoice. We ,with growth and maturity, are always looking for change.

What I wanted! Do I still want it!

"I want three things in life; Love, Liberty and Death. Love 'cause I have this belief that she is out there for me, Liberty because no matter if we hate this government I am still free and Death 'cause my legacy will one day be great and I wont need this world." When I was 22 years old, I would joke about retiring at 25 years of age while working as a key holder in an ice cream store. I also believed in love but didn't know what it really was and I often said I wanted to die before I was old and wrinkly. I've also have O.D. once and that was my wake up call sometime around '09 to '11, it's hazy the time line. I've pretty much blocked it out just that it happened is all that matters and that it wont ever again. So I've fallen in love with this amazing woman who is so much like me yet so different but in good ways. I don't ever want the connection we share with anyone ever again, it seriously scares me sometimes. For example she