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No Words

No Words

There are no sounds today.

Stirring awake as I take breaths of pure oxygen.

I’ve lost my will to speak.

I think I’m going crazy.

 I look at you while falling from grace.

Our hands slip as we fall away from each other.

I still would rather not make a peep.

No sounds, no fears.

We are slipping away down a dismal hole.

Tiny spikes will impale us.

I think I should have warned you.

But I let us fall and we were barely grazed.

Landing on the hard cold ground.

Feeling free of life’s iron grip, you lean over my body.

You hold me and begin to open your mouth.

I motion with my last bit of energy.

I know, I know and cover your lips with my finger.

Lying in your arms, I pass away.

Covered in your tears, you close my eyes.

I am free.
I like this poem that I wrote because it's strong. Its message is that sometimes I want to be the hero even until death. I saved that other person's life in this poem. I was struggling finding the meaning of this poem after writing it in 2013. It's very interesting to go back and look at what I wrote and trying to remember what happened then. In death there is freedom and many cultures celebrate life and death as a unity. The creation of life is celebrated and then we go through life learning and finding out what makes us tick. Well it's joy and pain, which come in many forms, so in death we are free of pain in any aspect. I think back to my little brother Jasper, when he passed away he was released from his human shackles of an imperfect body that was full of pain. So I'm not afraid of death but I still don't want to just die. I look forward to it's freedom from this sometimes painful life.

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