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Showing posts from February, 2017

Spirit filled vs religious vs spiritual

What is the difference between being religious, spiritual and spirit filled? Webster's dictionary says that being religious  is "relating to or manifesting faithful devotion to an acknowledged ultimate reality or deity". Webster's dictionary says that being spiritual is "of, relating to, consisting of, or affecting the spirit or  concerned with religious values". According to the Collins English dictionary being spirit filled or the charismatic movement is this, " Christianity  any of various groups, within existing denominations, that emphasize communal prayer and the charismatic gifts of speaking in tongues, healing, etc". Here's my take on this, Jay Z said on  Watch the Throne, "You ain't gotta go to church to get to know yo' God" raps on the song Threat that he's killing people but it's a valid statement. I loved church, I guess but when life experiences change us as an young adult as in my bipolar manifestin

What is a Valentine?!

Mom says that I used to love Valentine's day, we used to make a big deal about it with candy, stuffed animals and special dinners. I guess growing up sucks... I'm sure that's why I'm a romantic but the day feels dead to me even though it should be a symbolic day about reflecting on people who care about you and whom you care about. I don't really want a Valentine but I'll still share the love to all my friends. I give thanks for my family, friends and the love of my life. Valentine's Day is one of the biggest commercial events. With that being said we should strive to live beyond the life of the holiday. We should show love to those in our lives continuously with the need to receive gifts or steak the day after. We should be sending love notes, cards and writing sweet little nothings most of the time. If you're not mushy, that's fine, send a card with something thoughtful you're thinking at the moment. Not everything has to be mushy either, kin

Different strokes for different friends?

"Each friendship offers something totally unique — and irreplaceable. Each friendship ultimately makes us who we are." - unknown Irreplaceable - "adjective incapable of being replaced; unique: an irreplaceable vase." I have few things in life that I'd consider friends, music... okay maybe just music. Why just music, well I don't have a doggy companion to love on. Music is the number one tangible thug that never let's me down. When I'm angry or sad it can lift my to the heavens or bring me all this emotional energy that I need to survive. Now on to people, my unique friendships, some have been with some amazing people. My childhood neighborhood friends well those that have lasted the test of ptsd and forgetting some of you. My roommate and I have been friends for 13 years, he's irreplaceable in that he is what I've come to need in life a strong, level headed and extremely compassionate friend. How he teaches me to be appreciative of wha

What I won't give up on!

"I don't like to give up on people when they need someone not to give up on them." Carroll Bryant February 5th - 4 months have gone by in a blink of an eye where I have done so much harm and learned so much about myself and this amazing, beautiful and tortured soul that I love. I'm not saying I'm sticking by anyone to just stick by them. I feel I have one of the biggest hearts of this generation and I love and hurt easily but this is a different situation. While she suffers I am not able to be her Joshua Rock while she's in emotional pain and stress and I feel many things but not everything overrides my own anxiety. I've been apart of keeping hope live for myself with many friendships and this is the first Love that I've struggled with. She's my ideal Love, no matter the fight my head and heart have I want to keep hope alive and stand by her. I've only given up on one friend, I loved as much as a brother. He betrayed me and used me to t

Forgiveness for a lifetime and beyond!

"Forgiveness is that subtle thread that binds both love and friendship. Without forgiveness, you may not even have a child one day." - George Foreman I've seen what love at first sight is and love at first click. I'm going to say that I will never pick love at first sight. Love is a hard thing to grasp and a hard place to be. It takes work and time to nurture. I've had infatuation and lust relationships too. I've been used for emotional and a rebound needs. I have a big heart and I forgive easily. I was chasing this amazing woman who didn't know how to love again nor did she want to. We clicked that night and into the morning having deep conversations. I knew I wanted to be with her regardless of her situation which probably wasn't the best idea ever but there were a few times she would push me a way till she let me inside her walls. It takes a big heart to forgive a lot of pain. I wasn't ready to give up hope on her. Now we are at crossroads an