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How I Almost Got Engaged

I've been "in love" about 3 times in my life. I've loved several women in my adult dating life. This is specifically about the close encounter of an engagement kind.

"We can cure physical diseases with medicine, but the only cure for loneliness, despair, and hopelessness is love. There are many in the world who are dying for a piece of bread, but there are many more dying for a little love."
~Mother Teresa

With the advent of this massive romance holiday called, Valentine's Day, I would like to discuss my ultimate path to love. It's happened only once where I had boughten the ring, though.

I had met Taylor in March of 2011, I believe. It was love at first sight. We had met at the Mayweather vs. Pacquiao fight at some guys house. I was on my way out when we crossed paths. I stopped my friends upstairs and said, guys, I have something I need to do. I ran back downstairs and introduced myself to her. I asked for her number and my heart was racing so fast that butterflies were being born. I texted her that night and she said I could take her on a date that weekend. Our first date was at the boardwalk in the university area. Not all relationships start out love at first sight but it was mutual and I feel that it was a difficult relationship. She cared about me and we fell in love. The romance was insane and our chemistry was beautiful. She was this gorgeous redhead in nursing school. I knew she was the one, how did I know? I took her to my Psych and she explained what it would be like dating me as a bipolar diagnosed guy. I wanted her to be at peace with dating me. I wanted to marry her. I had planned to buy her an engagement ring in the fall and I did, it was the only time I've boughten one. I wanted to have a scavenger hunt proposal that would lead her to me at our first date spot, which was the boardwalk. The day I planned it for was 11.11.11. We always made wishes at 11:11 so it only made sense to me. She crushed my dreams and broke up with me before that. She left me for a dr. I wasn't up to her standard even though I was in school and worked super hard. I would never be up to the standard her father set in her life.

My second time I had been in love was with Ashley, years later, in 2018. She has 5 kids, I know what are you thinking... I loved her, she was so beautiful and a great mom. I kinda gave up on having my own kids but wanted to be married and be a dad still. I planed the best first date for the longest time. It was awesome. I had her meet me at my apartment and we had met online and talked for a month prior to the first date. She wore this really cute dress. I remember it so well. I gave her this really long hug and it melted me. It exceeded all my expectations. The first date was a picnic and archery date. I even bought a picnic blanket. We went to Barefoot archery and she shot amazingly in wedges, hahaha! I was so impressed and then we stopped at McDonald's for McNuggets and went to Reedy Creek Park and walked with, my parents' picnic basket. We stat in this pagoda and ate nuggets and had orange Hi-C. I left her to go get the car because we parked on the other side of the park. I came back and she was facing the lake. I came up behind her and gave her a hug from behind and licked her on the face. Then she kissed me. It was amazing, my heart exploded.  How I fell in love with her was music. We would send each other music videos every day. They became romantic and I became smitten. I worked at Pier 1 Imports at the time and Belk. I wanted to marry her and it consumed my thoughts. One day, I saw this llama pinata at my Pier 1 store and I was like no way. It kinda haunted me at first then I was like, fine this is a sign. I loved her kids. I wanted to use her kids in the proposal eventually. Four are half Hispanic and I look Hispanic so it was a win win. I wanted to put the ring in the small pinata and have them beat it up and then Liam, would give the box when it fell out to his mom. Then I would get on my knee and propose. Sufice to say that didn't happen. We broke up because, she wanted me to have my own kids and didn't want to hold me back. She didn't want to have anymore.

The last time I was in love was in 2019, I was in love with Sarah. She was such a beacon of light and a real encouragement through all the hard times I was facing with losing my Mom and helping me deal with very toxic people. I had to break up with her, she couldn't love me the way I loved her. She was amazing. She sent me flowers when my Mom passed away. She lived in Texas at the time and we would talk, text and video chat almost every day. I fell in love with her. She had the most amazing heart. I met her in April, she flew in for the charity event that I had produced. We went hiking for my first time at Crowders, we had brunch and went to a movie while she was here. It was amazing sleeping next to her. Then she said we would visit the BF/GF conversation in June. When she was moving to the east coast. I met up with her in West Virginia. I met her little dog named Bella. She was so cute. She didn't want to be my GF so I was feeling more hurt from the rejection. I wanted to propose to her with her little doggy that she loved. I planned on in the future, her moving to Charlotte and she loved it here, when she visited. I was going to take Bella to the groomer and send Sarah to the spa for the morning. Then I would pick Bella up and meet Sarah in Freedom Park where I would attach the ring to Bella and have her run to Sarah but she didn't move here and it would have been long distance for a long time, while she was in Rhode Island, welding with her dad. I kinda gave up.

I would like to say, that I really want to be married someday. I don't know how many more amazing first dates I'll have or amazing proposal ideas will come. If it's meant to be, it will happen.

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