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The Greatest Love

The greatest feeling that a human can have above all other feelings is love. We have fought wars for the love of a single woman, protest wars in the name of peace and love, give little chalk candies with sayings on them, in elementary school we give little paper Valentine's to the entire class but sneak in a special card for the cutest girl in our class that we can't stop staring at, we give boxes of chocolates, buy $100+ bouquets of roses, create life and say, this is what I've been missing my entire life as that small person grabs your finger for the first time, we get drunk in bars and scream, I love you man! And above all, we say that getting butterflies is a sign of knowing that there's that feeling that special feeling where you know without a shadow of a doubt that she's the one. If you've loved and lost or never have been in love here's to the most expensive couples day ever created. 
Oh, we spend thousands of dollars on a ring and formulate that we would like to propose to the love of our life in a way that is from simple to extravagant!

Have you ever had love at first sight? 🤔
I have and it's the most beautiful, crazy, most asinine feeling that was ever created. It makes you go back to a party where you exchanged a, "Hi, how are you?" And then get her number after panicking to find her back in that basement.  I wanted to propose on 11.11.11! Cheesy, I know but when you have a thing where you wish at 11:11 every day and remind each other then it's a thing. As it is, love is cheesy and cheese is great so therefore love is great!

That's just it's just a feeling, like mom's spaghetti where your fork drops because your palms are sweaty and then it goes away and if there's lucky enough to have made a connection with that special person and survive the initial rose-colored glasses... Love will blossom and it will be worth it because Hellen if Troy was believed to be the most beautiful woman in all of the world and her beauty launches the armies of Greece and beset Troy the greatest warrior ever known. If I could have that feeling again and a second chance at that kind of romance I'd forsake all laws of man that would be against creating an army to protect or take back what is mine. You don't believe that we belong to each other? If my heart becomes yours, I will sail to the stars to get you back. I'll even take out an ET or twelve in the process.

Love is beautiful and it takes work and I want to be in love every day til I die with the future, Mrs. Harke.

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