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Things I Think About!

Things I think about:
Turtles, they hide in their shells when frightened. Is it true?
I'll have to look it up on the internet. If it's on the internet does it make it true, only if it's from a credible source? What makes that source credible? Hmmm...
I wish I had chosen history as my degree instead of marketing then I could have pretended to teach those who in reality would be teaching me but should I give credit to Roger for that?
If I were to get scared while teaching I could just put my head in my desk and have a web cam in my desk so the kids could see me and continue to teach... lol!
If I were a bubble boy turned into a man in bubble would I have to have disability accommodations for stupidity?
If I were a bubble man I would have a van with the front seats taken out and a curved ramp that would pull out so I could park and roll out of the van when I get to my destination.
If I were a teacher in a bubble... -April 26th, 2016

I love school... wait for it... I really do. I'm all for some higher learning, I loved being there and listening to the professors talk. I loved group projects and solo projects and public speaking wasn't my best thing but I loved writing the speeches.  I loved English class where we read these amazing authors 'literary pieces that I feel I could never but inspired me to try.

In high school I was a teacher's assistant for P.E. and I loved it. I wanted to be a history teacher possibly I thought. I would have made an awesome teacher. I respected the profession greatly growing up. I taught elementary kiddies and 7th and 8th graders. It was so much fun for me. I think I was misdirected when I decided to pick a career that I wanted to be an athletic trainer. I really should have become a teacher.

I write many things that I'm inspired through quotes which is the title for my blog. "My life in quotes".
I love quoting myself, friends, bosses, coworkers, teachers and influential people.

Here's why I didn't become a teacher, my bipolar manifested at 18 or 19 years old in freshman year. I was out of control, it hurt that I was manic for a week and depressed the next. I loved school and it killed me inside when I had to drop out for 3 years. I choose what I thought was something I would love but wasn't really obtainable physical therapy or athletic training. It just wasn't on my brain wavelength. I chose marketing instead after working for a few years on getting my grades to a point to be accepted back into UNCC. That was a flop and I dropped out again after two bouts of pink eye, mono, the spraining of my sternoclavicular joint and the flu. I was like dear God, please don't let me die, well am I dead, not quite. I really think I missed my calling to work with youth. I would have been able to help those kids whom struggle daily with mental illness and I'd pick up on learning disabilities easily. Oh and if you don't know who Roger is watch American Dad.

Now for the end piece:

"Why do turtles hide in their shell

Unlike sea turtles, tortoises live only on land. Like the leopard tortoise, tortoises have big, heavy shells that are shaped like domes. And unlike sea turtles, they can hide inside their shells for protection. When they’re frightened, tortoises just tuck their heads and tails inside their shells."
- How Stuff Works

And that's my little nugget of internet fact for you all

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