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How I See Myself - Intro to Education at UNCC


Joshua Harke     Educ 2100 – 081              How I See Myself Assignment     11.07.2020

Draft 1


What are some things that you will include in the 3 sections of your assignment? Take into consideration the assignments and other experiences that we have had so far in this class. You may bullet or list your thoughts for each section. Be sure to list the assignment or experience from this class that has triggered your new thinking.


I.      As Learner-what did you learn about yourself and what you need to be a successful lifelong learner and student.

I have learned over the years that I am not a good student when I am beyond stressed out. I need to be focused on the goal as I have just exercised by leaving GoHealth. I took a seasonal job with Target that I thought would be fewer hours out the gate but they didn’t listen to one thing about needing a less stressful job on schedule to fix me. I struggle with keeping the goal in mind as an adult because bills don’t stop and neither does life. I know that the end game is becoming a teacher and that good grades can help get money to pay for school to make life easier while in school. I need to work on being stress-free or less stressed out while being a student. I think that I really lost interest in getting back on track after GoHealth and it’s quite unfortunate that I’m struggling at what I know I can do well at. I like school and maybe I’m scared to be here at UNCC because of the series of unfortunate events twice before.

II.     As Educator-what did you learn about teaching and learning that was significant to you whether or not you chose to teach as a major or career goal?

I have learned that teaching reaches beyond the walls of the classroom and the school. It is the educator’s duty to be an advocate for their students first. I love that, I hope I can be a strong advocate for my exceptional students. My Mom was the biggest advocate for children and myself. I want to exemplify her life by being a teacher. As I read “The Fight”, I reflected on teachers that stretch their influence outside the walls of their classrooms and halls of the school. It’s not the teacher’s role to be the parent/disciplinarian to the student. I liked that those teachers reached out to the caregivers of the students for good/bad reasons. Establishing a connection between school and home is what needs to happen for some families to let them know hey, you’re not alone with your student.

III.   As Citizen-what did you learn about others, especially those different from you that helps you be a successful member of our society and world?


Understanding how schools are funded and how there’s this societal struggle for balance in how things are paid for far beyond when a family’s child is aged out of the system and/or they don’t even attend public school. I think the tax subject is a very difficult topic that hasn’t been fully figured out. I’d hate to be on that committee.  I want to be on the education board one day as a representative for special needs students here in Charlotte Meck. As a citizen, I always want to give back, and sometimes the only way one can give back is time, doing things for others, and imparting knowledge. I hope to always build my network to get things done for good in the community, it’s the good part of being an extrovert. I understand that it takes a village to raise a child but also it takes special agents to make sure that indeed no child is left behind. I want to make sure that for as long as we’re around that kids come first and that all of them get a fair fight to learn and enjoy learning.

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